Exclusive staircase showroom

Design staircase showroom

Welcome to Van Bruchem Staircases, where exclusive design staircases come together with craftsmanship and aesthetics. Our showroom is more than just a space; it is an inspiring environment where you get a taste of the sophisticated world of custom-made staircases. Step inside and discover a world where functionality and beauty come together.

Trappen showroom

In our showroom you will get an impression of the possibilities and we will be happy to listen to your wishes and ambitions. Experience different styles, from timeless classic to contemporary modern, and discover the diversity of materials we use to create staircases that perfectly suit your personal taste and lifestyle.

Trap materialen
"In our staircase showroom you will not only discover exclusive design and craftsmanship, but also a world where your dream staircase awaits to give your home a unique character."
Djurre van Bruchem

Steel & wood production

In the showroom you can not only admire the staircases, but also feel and discuss the different materials and finishes. In the adjacent image you can also see that from the showroom there is a view of our own steel & wood production workshop, where all our materials are processed.

Make an appointment and visit us

At Van Bruchem Staircases we strive to make your ambition a reality. Visit our staircase showroom and be inspired by the world of exclusive design staircases.

Use the contact form to schedule a no-obligation exploratory meeting.