Concrete look-a-like

Right in the middle of the George Marina restaurant in Amsterdam, these spiral stairs are created with our LID method.

During the design process we worked in close cooperation with Framework Studio. The staircases are finished in concrete stucco, creating continuity and a wholeness. The steel steps, combined with the round lines, provide a modern and robust appearance.

The staircases are based on the logo of the restaurant; a big strong rope that symbolizes the connection between ship and harbor. Functionality and design are beautifully balanced in these stairs.

schets George Marina

Djurre van Bruchem (4th generation) is the chief designer of the family business and is involved in every project. We work with architects and individuals in the Netherlands and abroad.


Steel Steel
  • STEPS 10mm, Steel
  • STRINGERS 100mm, Concrete stucco
  • RISERS 10mm, Steel
  • ARCHITECT Framework Studio
  • DESIGN Van Bruchem Staircases
Concrete steps
"It was a constructive challenge, but with a terrific result."
Djurre van Bruchem
Concrete staircase George Marina

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